Scurry tabbed as new senior enlisted leader for state Published Jan. 22, 2013 CARSON CITY -- Command Chief Master Sgt. Rick Scurry was named the second senior enlisted leader for the Nevada National Guard yesterday. Scurry takes the helm from Command Sgt. Maj. Stephen Sitton on March 1, upon Sitton's retirement. The state's senior enlisted leader is responsible to advise The Adjutant General and the senior leadership team on enlisted issues. The senior enlisted man for the entire Nevada National Guard, Scurry will work hand in hand with both the state command sergeant major for the Army Guard and the High Rollers' state command chief master sergeant in a joint role. "It was a tough selection and we had several good candidates from which to choose," said The Adjutant General, Brig. Gen. Bill Burks. "But with Chief Scurry, we're looking forward to an even closer relationship between the Army and Air Guard." Scurry's main focus will be ensuring the Army and Air Guard work together and are committed to the same cause. He will also help with the Guard's operational role and he will be an advocate for Nevada Guard members, their families and their civilian employers. He said he is humbled and honored to represent the airmen and now the soldiers of Nevada's military. "Command Sgt. Maj. Sitton has a rapport with soldiers garnered over decades of service in his units and here on the staff," Scurry said. "To succeed him is a challenging prospect and I'm thrilled at this opportunity. I will continue to focus on readiness, taking care of airman and soldiers, care for families, community involvement, and a commitment to diversity." The 30-year veteran's previous positions include Chief Master Sgt. of the 152nd Intelligence Squadron and Command Chief Master Sgt. of the Nevada Air Guard. In addition to the new title, Scurry will retain the position as Command Chief Master Sgt. of the Nevada Guard. He lives in Reno. -30-