Flyover and Static Display Requests: Fixed-wing aircraft (Airplanes) are requested through the Air Force Public Affairs Aerial Events Website:
If you would like the 152nd Airlift Wing to perform either a flyover or static display at your event, please submit your request through the U.S. Air Force Aerial Events website: http://www.airshows.pa.hq.af.mil/. The Flyover requests will need FAA approval (see below); however the Static Display requests do NOT require FAA approval.
For assistance with this request process, contact the Public Affairs Office: 775-788-4515.
Once your request is submitted, you will receive the following text in an email:
You have successfully submitted the online Request for Military Aerial Support.
Date of the request: DATE OF YOUR EVENT WILL BE HERE
The Request Number for the request: REQUEST NUMBER WILL BE LOCATED HERE
In order for us to process your request, the requestor needs to take the following actions:
1. Have the Event Site Certifier sign and date the following section of the DD Form 2535:
a. Block 4d
b. Block 4e
2. Send your filled out and signed form to: 7-awp-rno-fsdo@faa.gov
The FAA should email your form back to you so that you can send back to SAF/PA.
The FAA will the state the event will take place and complete the following sections of the DD Form 2535 (Not required for static displays):
a. Question 14, Flight Standards District Office Review
b. Question 15, Feasibility Determination
c. Question 16, Additional Comments, if necessary
d. Question 17, Coordinating Official
3. Initial the appropriate boxes of Section VI (Question 21), on page 3 of DD Form 2535: The Sponsor Agrees to (if you are just requesting a flyover you do not need to complete this section).
4. Manually complete Section VII, Certification by Sponsor with the appropriate signatures.
5. E-mail the signed paperwork to aerialevents@us.af.mil. Your aviation request will not be reviewed until we have received the completed DD Form 2535. *DO NOT FAX*
6. The Air Force does not assign units to an event. All aviation participation is on a volunteer basis and not guaranteed. The Air Force does publicize all eligible events to flying units through the use of the aerial events website, but it is strongly recommended that an event sponsors contact Air Force units directly to ask them for support. Contact information may be found at www.airshows.pa.hq.af.mil under “Find an Aircraft.”
NOTE: Aircraft availability depends on training schedules, mission requirements and crew availability. An approved request does not guarantee aircraft availability.
Notes on Flyover Requests:
- Your request should be submitted 90 days prior to the event to be considered for support. Less than 90 days’ notice greatly reduces the chance that support will be available. Requests received within 30 days of the event will NOT be considered.
- Army and Air Force approvals are only for aircraft from the respective service. An organization wishing to have an event approved for either Army National Guard or Air National Guard aircraft must submit a request to each service (the Air Guard can only consider events approved by the Air Force and the Army Guard can only consider events approved by the Army).