The 152nd Airlift Wing Director of Psychological Health (DPH) provides short term/brief solution focused counseling that addresses general conditions of living, life skills, improving relationships at home and at work, stress management, adjustment issues, marital problems, parenting, and grief and loss, to service members and their families.
The services of the DPH are confidential within the guidelines of the program and provided free of charge. The goal of the Psychological Health Program is to address your concerns in the quickest, least restrictive, most convenient, and least costly manner while respecting your confidentiality. Everything is confidential with a few exceptions that are explained prior to counseling.
Program services are easily accessible. The Director of Psychological Health is available to provide telephone consultation as well as face-to-face consultation. If you believe you or one of your family members might need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
“Non-medical” counseling can be provided by the DPH to any service member or their dependents. Non-medical counseling covers any concern that may be affecting your emotional or behavioral life, such as situational problems of living, life skills, improving relationships at home and at work, stress management, adjustment issues, marital problems, parenting, and grief and loss issues. Non-medical counseling is offered when the person requesting counseling does not have a concern that meets the criteria for a mental health diagnosis. Basically, the concern might have an emotional impact on a persons’ mental health but is not considered a mental illness.
“Medical” counseling is when your concern meets the criteria of a mental health diagnosis and you and the DPH agree that you would benefit from formal therapy or medication to resolve your concern. You can ask for referral resources to a local provider, and your DPH will be available to guide you if requested.
I will do my best to support you to meet whatever your need is, whether it’s counseling, skill building, problem solving, or social and emotional education, or service referrals/resources. The DPH is also able to respond to training requests and critical incidents, as well as provide unit briefings, training and consultation. Don’t hesitate to call or drop in to talk if you have questions about whether this is the right service for you.
Please check out the information board next to the DPH office!
Call: (775) 788-9307
Drop in/appointment office:
Bldg 500 Rm 145A (Security Forces/Communications Building)