These past few months have been trying for all of us. Whether the pandemic and social unrest has impacted you personally, financially, or psychologically, living in such uncertain times has made it difficult for all of us at a basic human level. There are obvious knock-on effects to readiness this stress induces, but today I want to focus on the necessary steps we must take as a Wing to increase our Resiliency.
As you may remember, last November we conducted our first-ever Resilience Tactical Pause (RTP). It was truly a team effort across the Chaplain Corps, Director of Psychological Health (DPH), Mayor’s Challenge members, and Wing facilitators that garnered extremely positive feedback. Since then, the need for resilient Airmen has only grown due to COVID-19 and social unrest. To that end, I have directed Maj. Merridy Young to lead our Resilience Task Force. Maj. Young brings a wealth of knowledge, training, experience, and passion to this position. Her mandate was to help increase “connectivity” throughout the Wing. It’s a simple plan, but one that is deep-rooted in our psychology and brings a myriad of benefits to the Wing through increased readiness, trust, and motivation.
The 2-Minute Tactical Pause: The concept we are starting this drill is not a program or a training regimen; it’s a simple act that anyone can perform. This exercise, which practices connection with yourself and others, is called The 2-Minute Tactical Pause. The Goal of this simple, practical exercise is to promote a Positive Culture of Professionalism through Connection.
We will roll out The 2-Minute Tactical Pause at Wing-level meetings and roll calls, and Groups and Squadrons are encouraged to follow our lead. Once you see the exercise demonstrated it’s is very easy to replicate in your own workspaces. This will lay the groundwork for our annual RTP, which will take place after the UEI (Unit Effectiveness Inspection), date TBD. The Taskforce will identify and train facilitators in preparation for the FY21 RTP.
I hope that you all have a GREAT drill and enjoy reconnecting with Airmen you may not have seen in a while. Be safe, Be Kind and I look forward to seeing you around campus.
Livin’ High, Flyin’ Low,
Roller 1