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Request for volunteers

  • Published
  • 152AW

The Airport Authority is having their tri-annual exercise "Broken Wing" on
29 May 2014 & has asked us to participate as volunteers. For more info or
to sign up, please contact MSgt Tracy Woodfolk tracy.woodfolk@ang.af.mil .

The volunteers will be role players as airplane crash victims. Some may get
moulaged, or made up with realistic-looking 'life-threatening' wounds.
Everyone else will get a casualty card describing lesser wounds and will be
coached on how to act. When everyone is ready, they will be taken to the
'crash site' and placed in specific locations (there will be a plastic
barrier on the ground). The first responders will arrive in 'real time' and
begin to triage the 'victims'. Volunteers will be sorted as to seriousness
of 'wounds' and eventually put on buses to various hospitals. At the
hospitals, they will be ushered to a private space, so as not to alarm real
hospital visitors, where they will await 'treatment'. When it is time to
leave, they will be put back on a bus and returned to the ANG base where
they started. They will be debriefed and then bused back to the parking lot
(if that is the way they arrived).


0500-0515 Volunteers report to the parking lot adjacent to/through the cell
lot on National Guard Way (if your people are already on base, they can
report directly to DFAC)

0515 Buses will start shuttling volunteers from parking lot to DFAC,
where they will sign in, be briefed, and receive their
moulage/instructions/coaching. Food and beverages will be available

0830 Volunteers will be bused to the 'crash site' and will be placed at
appropriate locations to simulate the crash scene

1000 Official start of exercise
Volunteer 'victims' triaged, put on buses to hospitals
(snacks/lunches/drinks will be provided on site and hospitals)

~1200 Some ('greens') will likely be returned to DFAC for debrief and

1300 As groups of 'victims' get cleared at hospitals, they will be bused
back to DFAC for debrief and release; as each 1500 group is released,
volunteers will be bused back to the parking lot and their vehicles.

1600 All volunteers should be released by this time

Please email or call if you are interesting in signing up.

Tracy R. Woodfolk, MSgt
Nevada Air National Guard