152 OG OSS
152nd Operation’s Group Command, Col. Kyle Reid (left) presents the guidon to incoming commander of the new 152nd Operation Support Squadron (OSS), Lt. Col. Jon Schulstad. The unit went live November 2 during an unveiling ceremony at the Nevada Air National Guard base in Reno, Nevada. The unit’s role will be to provide the members of the 152nd Operations Group with a more streamline and focused training program pilots and crews need in order to always be mission-ready at any time.
“Since we were able to get the manning we needed to stand up this new unit, we will now have the resources to have a unit devoted to just our training needs,” said Schulstad.
Schulstad added, having a unit devoted to training expressly helps with the overall mission. It frees up the operation’s side of the group to do more of their war-fighting work rather than having to take precious time away from them to do their own training schedules.