Reno's Radio Ross Reaches Really Remote Reaction Team Member Published June 11, 2011 By 1st Lt. Jason Yuhasz 152AW/PA RENO -- Ever feel like someone on the radio is talking just to you? Well, sometimes that voice on the radio really is! For Airman 1st Class Chris Brown, this happens fairly often. Brown, one of the 152nd Airlift Wing's Security Forces Airmen, assigned to the 64th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, has heard his dad, Ross Mitchell, talk directly to him a fair few times since he arrived in Southeast Asia. Ross Mitchell, a 26-year veteran of the radio dial here in Reno has been known to sneak in a personal message to Brown during his broadcasts. Sometimes it's Brown's weather forecast or temperature. Brown, whose tenure with the 152nd AW Security Forces Squadron is a bit less than 26 years, tries to listen to his dad by either online streaming or through one of the American Forces Radio and Television Service stations. Mitchell, who wears Brown's deployment bracelet on his arm, says that he's, "As proud as can be" of Brown. He also said that "I never thought that I'd have a child in the military." He did mention that although joining the military is a big decision, it was a decision for Brown to make. His biggest word of warning was "Don't go into broadcasting!" Since he was little, Brown wanted to have something to do with law enforcement. Mitchell helped him with that by getting him into the front seat of a Nevada Highway Patrol car. His first job was a tobacco decoy youth investigator with the Northern Nevada Tobacco Compliance unit. Some of the other perks that come with having a dad involved with radio are: being able to meet members of ZZ Top, Ted Nugent, and getting a piece of legislation started which would allow military members under age 21 to get a concealed carry permit, provided that they've had the proper military training. From a telephone interview, it was determined that Brown is enjoying his time overseas. His duties with the Security Forces include rotating through different positions. His favorite duty is being part of the Quick Reaction Force. He mentioned that, "Being overseas helps me appreciate the little things." He also said that, "It's a balance between being watchful and alert and being friendly and helpful. Thanks to this deployment, both Mitchell and Brown have gained new perspectives. Brown's new perspective was gained by seeing different standards of living, and examples of extreme poverty. Mitchell's new perspective came by having a family member, "Directly involved in the fight against terrorism and the battle for our freedom." Mitchell admits that he has times when he becomes emotional while reading the on-air news about injuries to troops or reading of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Now when he sees a military member, Mitchell wonders how long it's been since they were home or talked to their parents. When Chris was asked if he was looking forward to getting home, his reply was "I can't wait to get home to see my girlfriend, my brother, and my dog." Chris is also anticipating starting classes at the University of Nevada, Reno once he returns home. So remember that, if you're ever listening to KOH AM 780 around Reno and you hear the forecast and temperature for a city that doesn't sound familiar to you, you may be hearing just a bit of a father-to-son talk.