
"Hands on" Nevada Guard joint Army and Air "Law & Order" training

  • Published
  • By Capt. Jason Yuhasz
  • 152AW Public Affairs
Soldiers from the 485th Military Police (MP) Company and Airmen from the 152nd Airlift Wing's Security Forces (SF) trained on basic law enforcement techniques Jan. 11 and 12 at the Air National Guard Base here in Reno.  This was the first time the two Nevada-based National Guard units worked together to accomplish their "Law and Order" training.

"Law and Order" training is an annual requirement for both Army and Air National Guard Military Police (Army) and Security Forces (Air Force) personnel.  It consists, in part, of: interviewing suspects, witnesses and victims; resolving domestic disputes, apprehension of suspicious persons, responding to calls for service and dispatching.  The Soldiers and Airmen also practiced "hands on" techniques for subduing non-compliant suspects. 
The Army Guard MP Soldiers, along with Air Guard SF Airmen, were also able to execute movement and weapon training scenarios in the Air Guard's Modular Containerized Small Arms Training Set (MCSATS).  For the Army Guard, this was a new experience. 

According to 2nd Lt. Stephanie Mock, the platoon leader for 2nd Platoon, 485th MP Company, this was an entire weekend of opportunities for Army Guard Soldiers to see and train with Air Force personnel and equipment.  "Army Guard Soldiers were able to see and use different equipment available to the state," she noted.  "The MCSATS is the most realistic training we can provide to our Soldiers without getting them hurt," were Mock's other thoughts on the training.
"This training really helps us maintain joint operations between Security Forces and Army Military Police," said Nevada Air Guard Master Sgt. Dave McNeely, with the 152nd Security Forces.
The training, which occurred throughout the weekend of 10 and 11 January, employed classroom, lecture and hands-on scenarios. 

During one "hands on" domestic violence training scenario, Army Guard Military Police had to take a non-compliant Air Guard "suspect" into custody.  Spcs. David Kille and Justin Steinberg demonstrated how they would approach a belligerent suspect as members of both the Air and Army Guard looked on. Kille and Steinberg, both of the 485th, approached Air Guard Staff Sgt. Brandon Carney, who was role-playing as a drunken suspect. Kille and Steinberg subdued Carney in an "armbar" and brought him to the ground to restrain him.  The exercise, performed on padded mats in the 152 Security Forces' classroom, was supervised by Army and Air Guard law enforcement training instructors.

"Some Army and Air Force procedures mirror each other, and some are different," said Sgt. 1st Class Helena Schroeder, of the 485th's 3rd platoon. "It's these differences which make this joint training operation a vital part of Air and Army National Guard training," she added.

"I'm always excited to see the other (Air National Guard) side of operations," said 1st Lt. Ken McCarthy, platoon leader for 3rd Platoon, 485th MP Company, echoing Schroeder's comments.

In the future, the two military law enforcement units plan on conducting additional joint training.