Oct. 25, 2021 CYBERSECURITY: 152nd Communications Flight, UNR Cyber Club work together to develop skills The 152nd Communications Flight (CF), Nevada Air National Guard, and the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) Cyber Club have created a partnership that aims to evolve each organization’s cybersecurity skills and techniques.
March 6, 2020 Meet the new High Roller motto On Feb. 28th, 45 members from the 152nd Airlift Wing (152 AW) met for a day-long strategic planning on-site, held at our excellent Dining Facility. The purpose of this retreat was to bring together diverse thinkers, leadership and influencers to define our three-year Wing strategic plan. Our goal
March 6, 2020 Nevada Guard ‘High Rollers’ launch AFWERX spark cell RENO, Nev. – About 70 innovation spark cells launched around the world since the U.S. Air Force debuted AFWERX in 2017, with a majority in the active-duty realm.Earlier this month, the 152nd Airlift Wing, Nevada Air National Guard, also known as the “High Rollers,” became the newest Guard unit to