Feb. 23, 2015 "Hands on" Nevada Guard joint Army and Air "Law & Order" training Soldiers from the 485th Military Police (MP) Company and Airmen from the 152nd Airlift Wing's Security Forces (SF) trained on basic law enforcement techniques Jan. 11 and 12 at the Air National Guard Base here in Reno. This was the first time the two Nevada-based National Guard units worked
May 23, 2013 Guard, Reserve employers recognized for superior support The Nevada National Guard and the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve organization recognized more than 40 private and public sector organizations during the annual ESGR Recognition Day and Award Ceremony at the Nevada Air Guard base in Reno on May 15. The event provided an opportunity for the
Jan. 29, 2013 152nd Sustainment Services Flight helps with Inauguration Nine members of the 152nd Airlift Wing's Sustainment Services Flight traveled to the District of Columbia to help with President Obama's inauguration. The Airmen were on the ground for more than a week preparing meals for more than 200 members of the Tennessee National Guard involved in
June 27, 2011 Ready, Aim, Fallon! The 152nd Airlift Wing Security Forces Squadron - accompanied by one public affairs officer -- recently spent a few days here for its annual weapons qualification and time in the field. The field was provided by the Fallon Range Training Complex, located on a playa located on Naval Air Station
June 11, 2011 “Calling Condor, Rainman, and Beethoven” Rainman, Beethoven, Condor, Finch, all of these names have something in common. Are they celebrities? Are they reminders of an embarrassing situation? Do they sometimes describe physical characteristics? The answer is yes! All of these are call signs for different members of the Nevada Air National
June 11, 2011 Reno's Radio Ross Reaches Really Remote Reaction Team Member Ever feel like someone on the radio is talking just to you? Well, sometimes that voice on the radio really is! For Airman 1st Class Chris Brown, this happens fairly often. Brown, one of the 152nd Airlift Wing's Security Forces Airmen, assigned to the 64th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, has
Sept. 7, 2010 Calling Condor, Rainman, and Beethoven Rainman, Beethoven, Condor, Finch, all of these names have something in common. Are they celebrities? Are they reminders of an embarrassing situation? Do they sometimes describe physical characteristics? The answer is yes! All of these are call signs for different members of the Nevada Air National